Me and Dzangel

Me and Dzangel
RMC 5K 2007

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Sick and tired of being sick and tired!!

I think the title of this post says it all. Of course I'm going to say more. What did you expect?
This week it's been my "new normal" again. That means more doctor appointments. Some for regular age related check-ups. And some for some new and interesting issues. 
I mentioned in my last post that I was having some tingling and numbness in my hands and feet. Mostly my hands. Lately I've added some pain to the problem. In the palms. In my thumbs. Now add in a couple of fingers that would lockup while I sleep. What next??
I thought maybe the increase in time spent on the trainer might be a cause. I added in some running again but that didn't seem to help. I tried two pairs of gloves with no relief. Maybe it is work? But nothing has changed there. Same job I've had for ever. No new tasks or changes in my duties. 
So.... off to the doctor. I saw the Physician's Assistant who works with my primary care doctor. Some poking and prodding. A bunch of questions. A few vials of blood. And no definitive answers. Might be carpal tunnel. So I'm trying wrist braces at night. So far not much help. Although it has helped slightly with the issue of a couple of fingers that would literally lockup during the night. 
The blood work revealed some vitamin deficiencies. B-12. D. So I've got a couple of pills I have to remember to pop. Maybe that will help?
The next step is an appointment with a specialist. I'm really hoping and crossing my fingers-when they straighten enough  to cross! I'm a little concerned that this could really put a crimp in my cycling this year. It's not an issue to ride with my hands off the bars on the trainer but that's not a realistic option on the road or trails. You would know this if you've ever seen me ride!!!
Running is still a struggle. A ten minute per mile pace feels like race pace. I'm hoping that some of the vitamins might help. In addition my Lupron injection should start wearing off soon. That will allow my body to start producing testosterone again. I'm crossing my fingers that it will also help. It just baffles me why running is SO HARD while biking seems less so. Don't get me wrong. It's still a struggle, but nothing compared to running. Maybe because it's a weight bearing exercise? My heart rate doesn't seem way out of whack but effort and perceived exertion feel off the scale. At least I'm still running and riding. It may seem like I'm constantly whining but I am grateful to still be able to do what I enjoy even if it is at a more relaxed pace. Miles are miles no matter what the pace. 
On a lighter and brighter note, I am celebrating a milestone on February 28. I've chosen that day as my CANCERVERSARY!! Some people choose the day they are told they're cancer free, or a last treatment. I chose this because it is the day last year that I got my diagnosis. That is the day my life changed in ways I could never have imagined. An interesting and challenging year to say the least. I may not be officially cancer free, That day is yet to come. This is definitely a day I will never forget. On the 28th have a beer for me, preferably something strong and dark. Or a glass of single malt scotch-over ice. Ride some miles or go for a run and do a couple extra for me! By reading this, following along and adding comments and supporting me, you have all helped more than you will ever know!! THANK YOU. If you feel so inclined you can also check out my fundraising page.  If you've donated before-THANK YOU! This year it would mean even more as another family member is dealing with this fucking disease!
Well, that's all for now. Of course there will be more to come. Hopefully all with good news. Thanks for following and reading these random ramblings. Comments and questions are always welcome. And as always, FUCK CANCER!!

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