Me and Dzangel

Me and Dzangel
RMC 5K 2007

Thursday, March 11, 2021

I'm calling this a win! On to the next chapter!

This is the day I've been waiting for since this journey began. As of this day, I'm saying that I have kicked prostate cancer's ass!!
I had my PSA blood test on Monday, March 8. I now know why it's been called the "Periodic Stimulation of Anxiety" test. I was on edge all weekend leading up to the test. When the message from the doctor's office posted on my phone app I was honestly scared to open it and read it. 
Less than 0.01!! After my appointment today, Thursday, March 11 my doctor called that UNDETECTABLE!! FUCK CANCER!! (Light blue for effect and to represent prostate cancer.) You can not imagine the relief I felt when I walked out of the hospital today. I smiled all the way on my walk home. When I arrived home you can be sure Tammy and I shared a huge hug and shed a few tears.  
I still have three month check ups for the first year. If those continue to go well they will be moved to every six months. I won't lie and say I won't worry when those dates get closer, but it won't be anything like the last year plus has been. 
I have a few other minor issues I need to deal with but nothing like this. 
Now it's time to return to some semblance of normalcy. 2021 is really, truly, honestly going to be a rebuilding year for me. I won't be making excuses for my performances. Nor will I be setting ridiculous and outlandish goals. I am going to be happy with riding, running and whatever else Tammy and I can find to do. No pressure. Rides with friends. Pushing just a little on runs with friends (try to be nice Becky.) Hopefully some hiking miles on sections of the Ice Age Trail that Tammy and I haven't visited. I'm sure there will be some "competitive" events. I'm putting that in quotes because the one person I will really be competing against is me. This year the results won't matter. I will just enjoy being able to line up and compete and hopefully push the envelope just a little more every time. DFL certainly beats not being able to compete at all. It's a year to enjoy life to it's fullest.
I have to thank everyone who stood by Tammy and me through this journey. This may have been my fight but friends and family made it easier. I may not be the best at expressing my deepest feelings or emotions but know you all are very special in my heart. 
This is definitely the start of Chapter Two. Time to wipe the slate clean and begin anew. Let's see what kind of shenanigans I can get up to. Trust me, I will keep blogging. Hopefully future posts will be focused on recovery, rebuilding and new adventures. 
As always, thank you for following along. I appreciate all the reads. Questions, comments and suggestions  are always welcome. Of course I have to end this like usual, that won't change. FUCK CANCER!!


1 comment:

Lara said...

Way to go! Not going to lie, we shed a tear over here too! But the girls and I capped off a great day with an almost mile long bike ride! #SvenStrong!