Me and Dzangel

Me and Dzangel
RMC 5K 2007

Monday, March 25, 2013

Too long, again

Well, if the road to hell is paved with good intentions, my road must be smooth as hell! I mean to update this much more often than I do, but life just seems to keep getting in the way.
Anyway....My training had been going very well. I feeling better about my upcoming 50 miler, but not over confident.
I had a really solid January. The snow wasn't really good enough for cross country skiing, so I piled on the running miles. I got in a couple outings on the skis, but it was a running month for me. I logged 230 miles, which is most likely a personal best for me. Long, slow miles, with some walk breaks, but still good miles. Lots of cold miles too. I guess if Mother Nature wouldn't give us snow, she made up for it with cold.
I eased up a little in February trying to get ready for the Birkie. Not enough skiing made for a long day come Birkie Saturday. I had my slowest Birkie in memory, maybe my slowest ever. But, I finished and had fun. Next year, my goal is to train hard, weather permitting, and have a strong and fast Birkie. We'll see!
March is going strong. At the pace I'm going, I just might surpass January's miles. I'm getting in good long runs. I'm working on hydration and fueling. I've got my walk/run ratio dialed in. I wish I could get on the trails, but the snow is hanging on for dear life. I've had fun running routes I usually cover on the bike. It's nice to slow down and enjoy the scenery. But I do get some odd looks from people in the cars as they pass by, like " what the hell is that guy doing running out here miles from anywhere?"
I haven't spent any time on the bike. I know I'll be paying for that come WORS season, but I guess I race myself in to shape...again!
Mostly, I'm kind of proud of the miles I'm getting in while working shift work six day a week. I've run 24 miles before going in to work my 3 pm to 11 pm shift. I've run 20+ miles during my 11-7 shift. Actually my top mileage week was while working "graveyard shift". I got an 18+ mile run after day shift this last week and followed that up with over 16 after work on Sunday. I realize everyone has busy lives these days, I just like to think I'm proving that if you want it bad enough, time isn't an excuse.
It's an easy week for me this week, at least in terms of work. VACATION! Not sure if I'll squeak in some extra miles or not. The schedule I've been following seems to be working, and I don't want to mess with it too much.
I'll try to babble more later this week. Thanks for checking this out. Comments are always welcome.