Me and Dzangel

Me and Dzangel
RMC 5K 2007

Friday, August 28, 2020

Bring it on!

 It's been a week since my last post. It's a rainy day. I'm still on vacation. This seems like an opportune time for a new post. 
I had an excellent week of riding and running. At least that's my opinion. I had a great ride last Saturday at Standing Rocks County Park. A little over 14 miles over flowy, sometimes technical single track. An hour and forty-five minutes on the single speed with friends. It was amazing to see how they made the trail look so easy and the riding effortless. Riding with stronger riders really helps me push harder than I could normally. Thanks to Todd Meerdink for the invite and making me suffer. And for making me think it may be time for some gears and suspension! 
Sunday was a little more relaxed with an ice cream social and beer ride with Todd and his wife Suzanne and my wife Tammy. We wandered over to Weyauwega for ice cream and back to H. H. Hinder in town for a post ride beer. Nice relaxed pace and time with friends was a great end to the week. 
This week has been mostly running workouts. Goal pace. Progression run. Long and easy(ish). Tammy and I managed to get in a ride on the Tomorrow River Trail to break up the week. 21 miles of what I'll call central Wisconsin gravel. And it gave me a chance to dig out an oldie-1981 Centurion Super Elite. Similar to what I rode all over Wisconsin in the late 1970's. We just didn't know they were called gravel bikes back then.  
On the medical front, I'm going to stick with calling it good news. I have an appointment for a Lupron shot on September 4. This will block my production of the testosterone on which prostate cancer feeds. Once that takes effect it's time for radiation therapy. My first appointment for that is September 29. That appointment is to allow Dr. Ray to measure and pinpoint where the radiation needs to be applied. Once that is all set up it will be time to begin the radiation. 7 1/2 weeks. Five days per week. Over to  Appleton and back. 45 minutes each way. Can't say I'm looking forward to that drive every day. Hopefully I won't have to deal with another 45 minutes each way back and forth to work. That hasn't been determined yet. 
So-BRING IT ON! I'm ready for this. I know there will be some side effects. I can deal with that. I hope those close to me will be able to cut me a little slack. This may slow me down but it sure as hell isn't going to stop me. It's another challenge. Another hill to get over. And I will come out on the other side stronger. It wouldn't be wise to bet against me now. It's time to adapt and roll with the punches. 
Thanks for letting me ramble on again. It helps me clear my head and also process all that is happening. As usual, post are more than welcome. Thanks for taking time to check this out.
Oh yeah, and FUCK CANCER!

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