Me and Dzangel

Me and Dzangel
RMC 5K 2007

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Lucky (week) 7?

Back again! I honestly can not believe I'm keeping to a somewhat regular schedule!
Last week was a mixed bag of training for me. I'm not even sure I can call it training-yet. I look at training as having an event on the calendar and a goal for that event. It doesn't matter if it's a race or non-competitive ride/run. Something I can attach a goal to shoot for. I suppose I can say I am trying to get back to my previous fitness level and count that as my goal. I still look at this more as just running. And hopefully riding soon!
I actually did have a goal for week seven. It was a last minute goal. And it probably wasn't a wise or well planned goal either. 
On June 14th, I was surfing the web and hit upon the Titletown Ultra Series. I ran the 8 hour event last year. It was a great event. Nice course. Awesome volunteers. I ran with my ultra partner of 2019, Rachel. We finished together and set mileage highs for the year on a tough and hot day. Of course, the 2020 event is cancelled. But wait.....what's this? A virtual event. Hmmm.....that looks interesting. But, it needs to be completed by June 28th. Not much time to plan, train and pick that perfect weather day. So a smart person would say "not this year. Not enough miles in. Still recovering. Next year." Notice I said SMART. At least I waited an entire day before signing up for the 5 hour event. And then I waited a whole 3 days before running 5 hours. Again, NOT SMART. I obviously need to put a disclaimer in my posts. I do crazy, stupid, spur of the moment things. I rarely think things through completely. I head out the door and hope for the best. Do as I say, not as I do! There, I think I've kept myself free of legal wranglings if anybody uses my training methods!
How did it go? Honestly, better than I hoped but not as well as I would have liked. Isn't that how it always goes? I worked 3 p.m.-11 p.m. the day before so I didn't roll out of bed as soon as I would have liked. I wanted to start early since it was supposed to get in to the upper 80's and get there quickly. I started a little after 7 a.m. Nice and easy. I had a loop planned and hoped for 5 laps. The first loop went well. Maybe a bit quicker than was wise but it felt good. Loop two wasn't quite as smooth. I had caught a toe on a short trail section on lap 1. Just a little trip. I wasn't quite as graceful on lap 2. I'm pretty damn sure it was the same @#$&ing stone that sent me sprawling. On gravel. A little blood. It seems it's not a trail run if I don't do some kind of acrobatic move. At the end of loop 2 I took a little detour on a shorter loop. I had a chance to put in a few miles with another runner - Brutal Becky - and wanted to be back to connect with her. Loop 4 was back to a shortened version of the first two. The conversation helped the miles go a little better. I think Becky was just making sure I wasn't doing anything to stupid. I heard a rumor that Tammy said if I looked bad to take me down! By the end of that loop I was probably doing as much walking as running. I was getting sore, tired and warm. The weather had warmed nicely to the mid 80's but a nice breeze helped and there wasn't much humidity. I shuffled through a few more miles and called it a day just shy of 5 hours. Just a hair over 24 miles. have to admit I was hoping deep  down for 26.2. But, I'll take it! Just over 6 weeks from surgery. My previous long run was just over 6 miles. I wasn't well rested. It wasn't planned well. No fueling or hydration plan. These aren't excuses, just facts. So, again, I'll take it. I was sore, tired and beat at the end but not as bad as I thought I would be. I hurt the next day but by the weekend I was feeling good. The DOMS wasn't really an issue. I put in a pretty decent short run on Saturday and did some walking on Sunday. By the beginning of this week I'd say I'm back to "normal". 
Back to just logging miles this week. No plans. Honest! I want some nice steady miles. Easy, relaxed and pain free. I need to make it to Friday and then I have 12 days off!! And still no plans. YET! Maybe back on the bike for some short and easy ride next week. Shhhh.....
That's it for this edition of "What the hell is Sven doing now". Thanks for checking this out. And as always, comments, questions and "you bonehead" remarks are welcome. 
Thanks. Keep putting in those miles!

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