Me and Dzangel

Me and Dzangel
RMC 5K 2007

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Slow and patient

Welcome back! It's been a week and I figure that means it's time for an update. I'll try to keep these brief and stick to an update at the beginning of every week. At least until things get back to normal, what ever that is, or you get bored. 
Since the last post I have been back to the doctor once, on May 13th. I had my staples and catheter removed. It feels great to finally be able to move around with freedom, albeit slowly. 
I have been out for a few strolls around town. Mostly short and easy efforts. I did push it a bit last Friday. Tammy was at work so there was nobody around to temper my enthusiasm and stupidity. I did a 3 1/2 mile hour long walk. A few little hills around town. Even some trails. I felt good. And then paid for it the next two days. It would seem I tire and run out of breath easily. I think I may have pushed too fast and far too quickly. My lungs hurt for two days! It hurt to take a deep breath and I didn't sleep well. By the weekend I felt better and I will now go slow and steady. and learn. You think I'd know this by now!
Everything else is going well. Appetite is back to normal. Sleep is still hit or miss. As far as incontinence issues, it's much better than I expected but still not 100%. Of all the after/side effects this is certainly the one for which I was least prepared. And probably chose to ignore. Again, trying to be patient and take it one day at a time. 
Still no back to work date. Still a 10 pound weight restriction. Other than that life is pretty much back to normal. No appointments in the near future and no decisions yet about the possibility of radiation. 
I recently hooked up with a great foundation and group of people F C Cancer Foundation. Check them out if you're interested. Just trying to do my small part to educate and help. If anything on there moves you to donate I have a personal donation page. Sven Strong!Obviously this has become very personal to Tammy and myself and we'd be honored if you choose to donate. 
That's enough for this week. Hopefully, everything keeps improving and moving forward. Thanks again to everyone for all the positive thoughts. Huge thanks to everyone who has donated. It means more than you know. 
Thanks for checking this out. As always, comments and questions are welcome. 

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