Me and Dzangel

Me and Dzangel
RMC 5K 2007

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Keep on keepin' on

Time for another update. I'll do my best to keep it short, but I never know how that is going to go!
It's been just over three weeks since surgery and two weeks since staples and catheter were removed.I guess I'll say, so far so good. Recovery seems to be going well, at least in my opinion. Pain is at a minimum. I'm trying to stay active and moving every day. I never imagined how tough it would be having nice weather and seeing everyone out riding and running while I sit on the sidelines. I know, we go back to last week and that word - PATIENCE! Trust me, I'm being patient. I might be grumbling, but I'm being patient. 
My next doctor appointment is August 10 and at that point the decision will be made about future treatments (radiation and/or hormone therapy). Wait and see! 
I figured being just over three weeks out, today would be a good day to see how I felt - running wise. Tammy and I did a warm and humid 5.5 mile walk/run on the Tomorrow River State Trail outside Scandinavia. Nothing fancy, fast or far. An easy mile warm up. Then I settled in to a slooowww run. I was watching my heart rate and trying to stay around 135 while hoping for a 12 minute mile pace. I know, speed and pace are all relative. What's fast for one person is slow for another. I just wanted to run. Any pace. For a couple of miles. Not push. No pain. No expectations. It felt good. Harder than I expected but I'm learning to deal with new expectations. A few hours afterward and I still feel good. We'll see what tomorrow brings. 
I've got a few more days to "recover" and then it's back to work. We'll see how that goes too!
That's about all I have. Nice and short. I'd like to thank the people who've been reading and following along. I appreciate the well wishes and positive vibes! And I'd like to thank everyone who has donated to the cause. It means a lot to Tammy and myself. 
As always comments and questions are always welcome. Now get out there and ride a mile for me. Still not cleared to do that!!

1 comment:

Jay S said...

“Sven you’ve always been a fitness inspiration for me. Since we’ve reconnected on FB, I’ve climbed back on my road bike and completed the Door County Cemtury last year, the first long ride in 26 years! This year I was planning to challenge myself to a two day fundraising ride but Covid-19 had other plans for the event. Good luck on your recovery journey.