Me and Dzangel

Me and Dzangel
RMC 5K 2007

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Some great workouts

Wow! Have you ever had some runs/rides/workouts where everything just seems to flow. You're in the zone and you know it. Even better, you get in that zone when you least expect it. Since my race on May 17th my workouts have seemed to get better and better. I almost hate to say it in case I jinx myself. I don't mean to sound like I am having miraculous workouts but I just haven't really had a bad workout in a couple of weeks.
I did a couple of runs around last weekend. I was working 11 pm to 7 am and that shift usually wipes me out! I can't sleep. I can't eat. I can't think. It seems like the week from hell every third week. I finally resorted to some OTC sleep aids last week and actually slept longer than 3 or 4 hours. By the weekend, instead of feeling a zombie I had a couple of good runs. On Sunday I planned on a one hour run and ended up with almost an hour and forty-five minutes. I picked up the pace every twenty minutes for the first hour and then relaxed and cooled down with some easy running on our trail system. Even the hills felt easier than they normally do.
On Monday I had my quick change from 11-7 to 3-11. This means maybe, on a perfect day, 4 hours sleep, and usually alot less. This wasn't a good day. I tossed and turned for a few hours in the morning. I had been doing a job I haven't done in a while and my legs were achy and sore. I decided to bike in to work so I got the bike ready, threw it on the car and off I went. It was a windy day, but the wind was in my favor for a change. Most days it is a headwind in to work. I pushed along at close to 20 mph with the wind at my back. I knew I would pay for it on the way home. In addition, the weather forecast was calling for rain later in the evening. I figured if I can at least make it to work dry I could suffer with a wet ride back to the car. Well, the ride back wasn't as bad as I thought. The wind had let up a little but now seemed more like a cross wind at times. On the road between some of the bare fields it seemed to push me back but I just gritted my teeth and pushed forward. I got to the car, loaded the bike and headed for home. I got maybe two miles down the road and the rain started to fall. Can't beat that for timing.
Yesterday, Tuesday was cool and damp. I had an interval workout planned at the track but hesitated due to the weather. I don't really mind doing speed work but the weather just wasn't ideal for the workout. I decided I better quit whining and do the workout. My heart just wasn't in it as I took a slow, easy run to the track. Once there the wind seemed to pick up and it started to mist a little. I put my head down and headed around for my first interval. After two laps I hit the lap button on the timer and saw I had beaten my goal time by a few seconds. HMMM, maybe this isn't so bad. I did my cool down and headed for the next interval. I ran 4x800-actually 880, it is a true quarter mile track-and beat my time for all of them and even got faster. I finished feeling really great. Now, granted, I am not running 5 minute mile pace here, but the times were good for me and it was my first track run of the year.
I hope I can carry this streak for a little longer. I have another WORS race this Sunday. It is up near Rhinelander on a course I have never ridden before. I won't have a chance to pre-ride it because I am working 3-11 yet on Saturday. I should be interesting but I am sure it will be fun. As usual, my goal is just to finish in one piece so I can get up and go to work the next day. I'll update this after the race.
Better get moving. Need to get in a workout before work today and keep this great streak going.

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