Me and Dzangel

Me and Dzangel
RMC 5K 2007

Friday, March 25, 2022

I'm still here. You can't get rid of me that easily!

Hey! Remember me? It's been a while, hasn't it? Of course, you know what that means, right? I've got a lot on my mind and lots to say! 
2021 didn't turn out quite like I planned. I had high hopes and big plans. I am not really complaining. Much. It's just that I had planned for different (read better) results. I had some good days. Some less than stellar days. I had a few good races. A few I'd really like to forget. 
As much as I try not to, I keep comparing myself and my results to past years. I do realize I'm getting older. I do know I've been through a rough couple of years. My body keeps reminding me of these facts. My brain doesn't listen well to these facts. A few crappy workouts or a less than stellar race result can really bring me down for a few days. On the opposite end, a good day starts to buoy my hope. I need to be happy that I can still do the things I love. And still do them relatively well. I am going to try and separate pre-2020 Svenofthenorth from post-2020. Life, age and especially cancer affects every person differently. I'm a case study of one, and in reality, I'm doing pretty damn good. Now, if my mind will just accept that fact!
On to 2022. Plans are still very much up in the air. Work is still the biggest issue for making long term plans. Days off are never guaranteed. I usually don't know until the week in advance if my time off will be granted. 2022 may be even more difficult. The company I work for has the same issues as most others. Lack of workers. This is causing massive amounts of overtime. 12 hour shifts. Lack of relief leading to time off being denied. Add in people quitting and retiring and it doesn't look like it will get better soon. Taking all that in to account I think my competitive plans will be very fluid this year. Adapt and go with the flow. Fingers crossed. I am registered for three events at this time. I ran the Point Bock 5 mile run on March 5. This is a tradition for me. I've missed it once since 2003. No PR's this year. I ran this year with friends. Conversational pace. I appreciated the company and the lack of pressure to put up a certain time.  The Ice Age Trail half marathon on May 14. That is still very iffy. Not sure what my body is up to. I know I can always shuffle/walk my way through but I'm not sure that's what I want to do. I know I'm not going to set any PR's but I still want to enjoy the day. And be able to walk the next day. And again it's dependent on time off. At this point it honestly looks like I'm going to pass this year. A couple of days running and the pain is at a level that makes every day life unbearable. The event I'm really looking forward to is Marji Gesik. September 17. I've been hearing wonderful (horror) stories about this for a couple of years. I tried my damnedest to get in when registration opened in October of 2021. It filled in minutes. While I was checking out. Missed it by that much. Oh well, next year. Then I received a Christmas gift(?) from a great friend and riding buddy(?). "Guess what? I pulled some strings and got you in." This race had a DNF rate of 70% in 2017. What the hell am I in for??? My goal is to finish and not die. I'm not even going to say finish injury free. JUST FINISH! I blame Todd! 
One plus to all the work days is the opportunity to get back to regular bike commutes. 2020 was a big fat goose egg. 2021 wasn't much better. 20 trips by bike. I really don't have any excuse for not doing this. I'm usually awake at dark:thirty a.m. I just need to be organized. Pack clothes the night before. Have my lunch ready. Bike in the car. I'll be bold and put it out there that I'm aiming for 50 commutes. Once the roads are safe and clear I can start. Hopefully soon.
My biggest goal this year is to get back to some version of "normal." I'm not yet sure what constitutes normal. Maybe just feeling good. Energized. Less pain and stress free. Truly enjoying life again. Having fun. Sounds like a great goal. An attainable goal. A goal over which I have complete control. 
My main reason for this post is to celebrate my cancerversary. Two years since my biopsy results. February 28, 2020. Two years since my life and Tammy's life changed forever. It's definitely changed me. Some for the good. And I can't lie. Some for the bad. And I won't lie by saying I wouldn't change things. I haven't honestly had it as bad as some while dealing with cancer. It has made me stronger. I try so hard to appreciate every day. I've met some amazing people. Become part of some incredible groups. I have some special friends who stood by Tammy and me every step of the journey. Family has had my back from day one. I am so grateful for all of that. But....I would gladly go back and change things if I could. But I can't. Add in another PSA test with an undetectable result. I consider that one year of cancer-free results. 2022 is starting off well.  So, one day at a time. I hope you will ride/run/??? today a little harder for me and everyone dealing with cancer. Maybe raise an adult beverage tonight and say "FUCK CANCER" for me. If you have a minute I'd appreciate if you would check out this link -  I know many of you have donated and I can not thank you enough. 
More later. Really. I'll be back! As always, again. FUCK CANCER! 

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