Me and Dzangel

Me and Dzangel
RMC 5K 2007

Friday, August 14, 2020


Good morning everybody! It's a warm sunny Friday and I'm in an unusually chipper mood. Not just because it's Friday. That means nothing to me with my work schedule. The way my days off rotate Friday is usually just another day. But today, or actually yesterday, I started vacation. 25, yes twenty-five, you read that right, days away from work!
Well now, what am I going to do with all that time off? I actually have no big plans. Due to COVID-19 most of the plans I did have are altered or cancelled. No problem. Adapt and change. One day at a time. I am getting pretty good at that. 
It looks like it's going to be day trips. Visit some state parks. Do some hiking on different sections of the Ice Age Trail. Try out some different bike trails. Hopefully a day or two to just relax, unwind and de-stress. A cup of coffee, a good book, Pandora on shuffle and maybe a nap. 
Of course in that mix somewhere is at least one more medical appointment. On Wednesday, August 19 I'll be seeing a radiation oncologist for a consultation to see if treatment is warranted. I'll be honest in that I don't know what to expect. I'm not even sure what I'm hoping to happen. I certainly want some definitive answers, or at the very least some kind of "here's our best guesstimate". I would like to know the plan of attack. I know this is always a case by case situation and nothing is written in stone, but some type of answers would go a long way to ease my overactive mind. I'm definitely not a hypochondriac but some days I can't help going to those dark recesses in my brain and imagining things I'd rather not imagine. 
All this being said, I'm remaining positive. Most days. Give me a break, a day here or there of "this really sucks" attitude is not the end of the world. And it kind of keeps me being realistic. I can't bury my head in the sand and pretend everything is fine. I joke a little and try to keep smiling and I do pretty well. That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it! But, as Oscar Wilde said, "I suppose one must be serious sometimes."
I still have those days when I have a good workout and say I can't be sick. I had one of those days on my last run. I'm still sticking to my half marathon training plan from Garmin. My last run was supposed to be a long easy run. 2 hours between 9:42 to 10:42 pace. I didn't exactly stick to the plan. It was my first day of vacation so I figured I'd see what I could squeeze in those two hours. I went out harder than was called for or smart. I knew that. I wanted to see what was in the tank and how long I could hold on. I was hoping for a half marathon in that two hour time span. Fingers crossed hard. Both hands. I had one bottle of energy drink and a few energy chews. It was warm, humid and sunny by the time I started. This is starting to sound like a line from "The Blues Brothers." "I ran outta gas. I had a flat tire....." And I knew it would get ugly, probably sooner than later. Call it a learn how to suffer and finish workout. The first eight miles were under the low end goal of 9:42. Miles nine and ten were in between the goal paces. Then the wheels came off. And I mean hit a wall and rolling in to the ditch! I did the death shuffle/walk/how far to the f@¢king end. But I did get in just over two hours and hit the half marathon mark. I was pleased with the effort. My time goal for this plan is 1:54:00 which works out to about 8:45 pace. I'm not far off and I'm just over half way through my plan. If I was truly attempting a goal pace run I would be better rested, fuel and hydrated and definitely run smarter. Maybe a negative split effort. I'll pick a day when I feel unstoppable and can give it all I've got. 
I guess what I was trying to say there was how can I have cancer and still put out an effort  like that. I know it certainly isn't world class, but for an old fart like me that's a decent time. And I know there are people out there dealing with more serious types of cancer and making me look like a slacker. I guess some days it's too much for my mind to comprehend. 
Now I need a day of rest and then it's time for my first race  since March. August 15 I'm doing the Reforestation Ramble mountain bike race. It looks like two laps of ten plus miles. Rigid single speed. I'm going to have fun and maybe push a little. It looks like it could be a rainy day. That's okay. I shouldn't have any shifting or gear problems! I'm looking forward to pinning on a bib and racing. It appears the organizers are taking all the necessary precautions and working with the local authorities to make the event as safe as possible. Can't Wait!
Okay, that's enough for now. That's more blathering than usual. And my coffee is getting cold. I'll update next week with a race recap and how the appointment went. 
I appreciate all the folks following along with my disjointed rambling. It helps clear my head when I put thoughts in to words. Thanks to all of you that are keeping me in your thoughts. I appreciate it more that you know. 
As always, thoughts and comments are appreciated. Until next week....get out and run/ride/hike/just do something!

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