Me and Dzangel

Me and Dzangel
RMC 5K 2007

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Week six and lofty goals

Back for another recovery update. I'm hoping that soon I can leave the word "recovery" out of these posts and just ramble on about training, goals and life in general, but I think that may be a while. My criteria for omitting that word is probably when I'm given a 100% cancer free diagnosis and when I'm back to "normal" life and training. At least what's normal for me.
The week of June 8-14 went much better than the previous week. I restarted slowly and really paid attention to heart rate. I slowed my running pace and just tried to relax. It doesn't make sense to keep pushing every day only to get further behind. I do believe one barrier to my training since returning to work is my schedule. After 35 plus years of rotating shift work I was lucky enough to get a day position about 3 years ago. Still 7 days in between a day off, but 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Three plus years of that when I took my little sabbatical. When I returned it was to 3 p.m. to 11 p.m shift. Construction and rebuilds/updates where I work necessitated the change. That means I don't get home until around midnight. A little down time before bed and next thing I know it's pushing 1 or 2 a.m. But, my body still thinks it should be up by 5 a.m. I'm happy sleeping until 7 a.m. If I do sleep in that pretty much screws up my day, leaving no time for a run and getting things done around the house. I feel like I'm constantly running on a half tank. But, I'm trying my best to adjust. I worked worse schedules for years and this is only temporary.
As for the lofty goal in the title, I'm almost afraid to say anything in advance on the off chance I somehow jinx myself. But.....a couple days ago I registered for a virtual run. It's a virtual version of a run I did last year about this same time. Titletown Ultra Series. Last year I did the 8 hour event with my friend Rachel. I think we managed to pick the hottest day of the year. But we stuck it out, took our time and enjoyed the miles. Like almost everything else, this year's event was cancelled. It is being replaced with a virtual run. There are multiple options for time and I opted for 5 hours. I figured what the hell! What's the worst that can happen? I fail and can't run for 5 hours? Maybe. On the other hand, I relax, enjoy a few loops through town and kick my training in the butt. I know I didn't give myself much time to get ready for this, but that's okay too. I registered on June 15 and plan on running on June 18. I haven't had time to obsess and overthink things. I don't have big goals for distance. I just want to last the whole 5 hours. I have a 4.75 mile loop planned from my home. That gives me a chance to refuel, regroup and rest if necessary. Once I press start on my watch I can't stop it until I'm done. No pressing pause. Since I don't have goals other than finishing I'm not worried. And just like last year, the weather is supposed to be steamy. Mid 80's and sunny. The plan is to start around 7 a.m. and be done by noon. That depends on what kind of night I have at work and how rested I am. I have the day off so the time schedule is fluid but I'd like to beat the heat if I can. If you're in my area and see me slogging along give a honk and a wave. And maybe leave a beer on my doorstep!
Well, that's about all I have for this week. If you are interested to see how I do on the run, I'm sure I'll post something on the Book of Faces and Instagram. And I'll fill in all the details next week on here. 
As always, thanks for following along. Comments, questions and suggestions are always welcome. 
#AlteredReality #LapItUp #Titletownultra

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